Adding pages to the modified issue

Adding the ‘blank template’ document

SL -> Press

We will add the blank_template document if you layout the completely new page with different texts and different appearance for the issue mutation.
In the ‘Publication’ menu, select the edition, then in the menu ‘Date of Publishing’ select the date of publishing, and then in the menu ‘Project’ select the issue to which you want to add the ‘blank template’ document.
At the right bottom corner of SL, click the New document icon that will open the window ‘Create New Spread’’



Section - select the section to which you want to add the new document
Number of pages - select the number of pages of the new document

First page settings

First page number - enter the number of the first page in the new document here
Orientation - select here whether you want the first page in the document to be even (left) or odd (right)
Subject title - here you can enter the working title of the theme of the new document. This field is not mandatory, you can easily add it through SE later on
Subject enter - here the short description of the theme or some remarks regarding the subject. This field is not mandatory
Source page - as a source document select the ‘Blank template’
InCopy Links - since the document is created from the ‘blank template’, you don’t need to mark the field ‘Leave Linked’

Clicking the ‘Create’ button the new document will be created and will automatically appear in ‘Composition Pages of ISSUE:’ part of SL and will also be visible in SE.

Adding the existing document

SL -> Press

This option is used if the issue mutation is created by modifying the already layouted page from a previous issue.
In the ‘Publication’ menu select the edition, then in the ‘Date of Publishing’ menu select the date, and then in the ‘Project’ menu select the edition from which you want to copy the existing document.
By double clicking on the page, or through ‘Page control -> Open’ the selected document in Indesign, then in the SL ‘Project’ menu select the edition to which you want to copy the open document.
At the bottom right corner of SL, click the ‘NEW DOCUMENT’ icon which opens the window ‘Create New Spread’.’ ’



Section - select here the section to which you want to add the new document
Number of pages - the page number of the currently open / active document in InDesign will be automatically displayed here

First page settings

First page number - here you type in the number of the first page in the document
Orientation - select here whether you want the first page in the document to be even (left) or odd (right)
Subject title - here you can enter the working title of the theme of the new document. This field is not mandatory, you can easily add it through SE later on
Subject enter - here the short description of the theme or some remarks regarding the subject. This field is not mandatory
Source page - as a source document select the ‘Active Document’
InCopy Links - if the editors are using InCopy for work with texts, selecting the option ‘Leave Linked’ when creating the new document, SL will also copy all InCopy links. If you don’t need to copy them, you can leave the field empty

Clicking the ‘Create’ button the new document will be created and will automatically appear in ‘Composition Pages of ISSUE:’ part of SL and will also be visible in SE.