MEDIA - Media upload - Copy media data
SE -> Media modul -> Multiple Media Upload -> Multiple Media Upload
Multiple Media Upload - opens the menu for uploading one or more photos to the system.
You can upload the photo either from the hard disk, WEB location or with drag-drop option.
When you are uploading the photo from the hard disk, click the browse option to find a folder with the photo, select the photo and click the Upload option.
When you are uploading from another web location you need to copy the URL of the photo and paste it to the URL field, then click Upload.
With drag-drop option move photo to marked part of the screen using a mouse.
After a few moments at the bottom of the menu a notification will appear saying You have new media, as well as the icon leading you to the page with the photos you have just uploaded. At the same time, the notification shows that there is 1(or more) media file in the process.
Here we have to fill in the data and the details of the photo that will help searching through the system later on. Some data will be filled automatically (from photo IPTC or system), some you must update before saving photo into the system. Mandatory fields are - caption (minimum 2 words) and author.
Caption: this field is mandatory, write in at least two words none of which can be a number (e.g. John Doe - yes; John 2 - no)
Author: author of the photo
Keywords: keywords for the easier search of the wanted photo
Publication: publications (here we select the publication to which the photo belongs, and which users will be able to see it; e.g. the photo uploaded with the all publications label will be seen to all users (all of them will also be able to use it), but the photo uploaded to the Magazine will be seen only to the users of Magazine publication.)
The color of the photo’s frame indicates if all the data is correctly filled - the orange color indicates that something is wrong with the data (most likely there is only one word typed in the caption field), the grey frame indicates that everything is correct.
Move: saving and moving the photo to the database
And, if everything is filled correctly all photos will be in the database with info - 0 media files pending for process...
For the multiple media upload with the same author and caption use 'copy selected data to other media' option. Fill all data fields as you wish then hit 'copy selected data to other media' and data with checked checkbox will be copied to all photos. "Move all" option (top of the window) will save all photos into the database.
Another way to copy the first photo data to other photos is the "Copy to" option.
1. On the left side of the window, we select the first image fields we want to copy.
2. On the right, select the images where we want to copy the data from the first image. Pictures with the orange frame are marked while the white border image is unmarked.
To copy the selected settings, confirm it by clicking on "Copy Meta Data".