
Ads module shows ads assigned to the selected publication and the project, they’re defined through:

ID  the identification number of the ad
Ad  name of the ad
Customer  client
Page  page the ad is assigned to
S  status of the ad (whether is paid, linked or free)

In the lower part of the module there are menus for:

from ID
enables preview of the ad linked to the frame in InDesign
x1, y1,
x2 i y2
marks the coordinates of the ad
Fitting type the way the ad is fitted inside the frame (centered, fitted proportionally or fitted to the frame regardless of the proportions)
Reset position if the position ot the ad has been changed after opening the page, use Reset position option to return the ad to the starting position
Update position saves the changed position of the ad on the page to the database (doesn’t change the formats or the positions of previously defined ads, only the active ad)