C-00 Articles - Articles
In the upper part of module there are basic menus for filtering the articles (Article list).
Date of Publishing | date of publishing |
Section | section the articles belong to |
Status | filter for statuses of the articles you want to display - all of the articles, free articles, placed articles or articles linked to the page |
Page | shows articles of all the pages in the section (Page all) or only the articles from the selected page |
Title | working title of the article |
Object name | name of the group if the article is joined to the group of elements (e.g. all of the articles that belong to a certain event are given the Object name of that event, they will be listed through the Object name filter later on) |
P | page to which the article is assigned to |
Char | number of text characters in the article |
IB | number of Infoboxes in the article |
PH | number of photos attached to the article |
S | status of the article (F - free, T - place, L - linked to the page) |
At the center, there are menus for working with the articles.
Place (T) | placing the article on the page (the article is linked to the page but it is not locked). In that status the editors, journalists, proofreaders can still enter the article through StoryEditor and change it. All of the changes will be visible on the page after clicking Update |
Link (L) | Linking the article to the page (the article is locked in InCopy). After this, you can not open the article through the StoryEditor and make changes. If you want to make changes, in this phase of work, you can do it through InCopy or directly in InDesign |
Unlink | unlinking the article from the page, the article is unlocked and assignment files for InCopy are deleted. At this point, the article can again be changed within StoryEditor, it is no longer linked to the page (status F) |
Place >> Link | the active article in the list (Article list) that is placed on the page (with the function Place - label T) is linked to the page. The article is locked and InCopy files are created (assignments files). At this point, the article can not be changed through StoryEditor but exclusively through InCopy application |
Place >> Link All | all of the articles on the list have status T (option Place) are linked and locked on the page. Before using this option, you need to filter those articles that are placed on the open page (Page filter). If there is a bigger amount of articles this will be a time-consuming process and you need to wait for confirmation from StoryLink that the process is over. All of the articles are locked in InCopy and can not be changed through StoryEditor |
L>>T (Link >> Place) |
the active article in the list (Article list) that is placed on the page with the function Link - status L is unlocked (the assignment files are deleted) but there is still connection to the page. At this point the article can be edited through StoryEditor but not through InCopy application |
Update (downward arrow) |
updates the active article (in the Article list) from StoryEditor if the article is linked to the page (status T). This function is not used for linked articles (status L) because they are automatically refreshed through InDesign (assignment file) |
Update All | updates all the articles in the T status (Place) from the list (Article list). Before using this option, you need to filter in the list the articles that are placed on the open page |
Update (upward arrow) |
updates the article in the T status (Place) from the page in StoryEditor. This way you can return the new content from the page back to database. This function is not used for the linked articles (status L) |
Connect | connects the articles to the templates. Use this function to connect the articles on the page when you open page for the first time from template |
Remove | assigns the page 0 to the article |
Delete | deletes the article both from the list and the StoryEditor |
From ID (Select From InDesign) |
select this function to select the article in the StoryLink list (Article list), if already selected on InDesign page. This function can only be used when the article is linked to the page (T or L) and is very useful for quick labeling the articles from the page in the list of articles |
In ID (Select In InDesign) |
select this function to select the article in InDesign (selected frames on the page), if already selected in the list (Article list). This function can only be used when the article is linked to the page (T or L) and is very useful for quick labeling the articles from the page in the list of articles |
Use ID Styles | option for using InDesign Paragraph styles |
>> | changes the status of the article in cases when the articles are read and processed directly on InDesign page |
In the lower part of the module there are menus for creating the new article and for quick preview of the article.