F-05 Options - In/Out

Options from this module enables turning on/off of the additional functions.

















Create Page
Previews on Open
create the page preview when opening in StoryLink
Create Page
Previews on Save
create the page preview when saving page through StoryLink
Show MP
Preview Question
window with a question whether you want the preview to be displayed when sending the photo for processing through Media processor (MP)
Create MP
Page Previews
create the page preview when sending the photo to the processing through Media processor (MP)
Apply Object Style
on Preview
applying the object styles at importing the article to page into frames with defined object styles in InDesign
Create PDF Preview creating the preview in PDF
CheckOut Text
Frames After Link
locking the text frames after linking to the page
Publish to PDF  
Publish All automatic making of the Press PDF files from the whole project
EXPORT Type Export or Print
Name convention use this to define the name of the PDF files when created (if the name is different, it will override the one defined in the administration - Admin / Admin Publication / Publication / Publish PDF Name convention)
Show PDF
Folder Content
opens folder containing PDF files on the server
Title name of the assignment file that will be created after using InCopy Export Selection
Assign to select the user (journalist) you want to join with a new assignment file through InCopy Export Selection
InCopy Export Selection use this to export labeled frames to the page in the assignment file (for InCopy)