F-02 Options - Blank Template

Blank template is InDesign documents that contains all of the elements that are used in the publication, such as margins, columns, paginations, names of the sections, paragraph, character and the object of styles... All these elements are extracted from the Blank Template when creating the new edition. If you change something in the blank template, it will be seen only at creating the next edition.











Open Blank Template opens the Blank Template InDesign document
Apply Blank
Template Attributes
inserts all needed attributes into a document, they have to be in the OK status when you select the Blank Template Check
Blank Template Check - controls if the Blank Template contains all the needed attributes
Paragraph style (1-6) styles that are defined in StoryEditor (Admin / Admin Publication / Paragraph Styles) must also exist (under the same name) in the basic template (Blank Template) because the styles will be created automatically when you open the page for the first time
Page origin (0,0) controls whether the upper left corner of the page is on coordinates 0,0. This option is very important when placing the ads on the page automatically
Story TAG: basic tag
date TAG:
tag of the date
use this tag to define to which frame on the master page of the basic document will StoryLink place the date of publishing (Publishing date)
issue TAG:
tag of the issue
use this to define the frame to which StoryLink will place the number of project issue (when opening the page in the project)
year TAG: tag of the year of publishing defines the frame to which StoryLink will place the year of the publication publishing
subject TAG:
tag of the subsection
defines the frame to which StoryLink will place Subject typed in StoryEditor Press module (Subject field above the page in Layout preview type)
section data1 TAG: special tag frame to which StoryLink will insert the special tag, tag is defined when creating the new project
section data 2 TAG: special tag frame to which StoryLink will insert the special tag, tag is defined when creating the new project
Save Blank Template when saving the basic document, StoryLink creates preview of the pages (.jpg, .pdf) that is used when the section is assigned to the page in the project (Section drop-down menu). That is why, when assigning pages to the sections in StoryEditor, they will all have pagination 1 when you click the preview of the page. Only after first opening the page StoryLink will assign the correct pagination as well as all others tagged attributes previously defined through StoryEditor and tagged at InDesign page