F-01 Options - Labels

For StoryLink to be able to connect the articles and their elements (superscript, headline, subtitle, the article...) from StoryEditor to the belonging frames in InDesign, these frames must be correctly labeled (defined).

That means that every single one of them has to have the label corresponding to the label of a written article. Also, when creating the templates (Template) every part of the page has to have defined position of the article and its elements (so the system, when creating article from the template can recognize the elements of the article and how many text characters each element contains). The labeling itself can be done by selecting multiple frames on the InDesign page.

Set Label to Selected Frames

Position Type - defines the position of the article (Article Position) and the position of the elements along the article (Element Position). E.g. - the main article on the page will have the position A, the next important will have the position B, the next will have the position C (positions don’t have to be defined according to importance of the articles, but can be defined according to the order of display on the page). If the main article (article’s position A) has a frame, lead and a quote, then the frame will have the Article position A, Element Position A; lead will be Article position A, Element Position B, and the quote Article position A, Element Position C. That way when creating the template, the system will be able to connect the frames with the articles. position A, Element Position C. That way when creating the template, the system will be able to connect the frames with the articles.

 Type - defines the elements of the article
   supertitle - supertitle 
 main headline - main headline
 subtitle - subtitle
 text - text
 author - author of the article
 ad - ad
 infobox title - title of the Infobox
 infobox text - text of the Infobox
 media - the photo
 media credit - author of the photo
 media title - the title of the photo
 media caption - caption below the photo


Clear All Labels - function that deletes all labels from the elements (all except the Type label that remains). If you want to use some of the used elements (see Read Labels from Selected Frame) again, you need to clear its labels because they can not be used again.

Read Labels from Selected Frame - reads the labels from the selected frame
Type - the type of the frame (superscript, headline, subtitle...)
Article ID - identification number of the article
ID - identification number of the element
Status - the status of the element (F, T, L)
Article Position - position of the article
Element Position - position of the element