G-02 InCopy - Articles
In the upper part of module there are basic menus for filtering the articles (Article list).
Date of Publishing | date of publishing |
Section | section the articles belong to |
Status | filter for statuses of the articles you want to display - all of the articles, free articles, placed articles or articles linked to the page |
Page | shows articles of all the pages in the section (Page all) or only the articles from the selected page |
Press (Status) | shows articles of all the pages in the section (Page all) or only the articles from the selected page |
First column | shows colour of article status (is it in status input or proofreading ir DTP) |
Title | working title of the article |
Object name | name of the group if the article is joined to the group of elements (e.g. all of the articles that belong to a certain event are given the Object name of that event, they will be listed through the Object name filter later on) |
P | page to which the article is assigned to |
Char | number of text characters in the article |
IB | number of Infoboxes in the article |
PH | number of photos attached to the article |
S | status of the article (F - free, T - place, L - linked to the page) |
At the center, there are menus for working with the articles.
Link | Linking the article to the page (the article is locked in InCopy). After this, you can not open the article through the StoryEditor and make changes. If you want to make changes, in this phase of work, you can do it through InCopy or directly in InDesign |
>> | changes the status of the article in cases when the articles are read and processed directly on InDesign page |
Select from IC | select this function to select the article in the StoryLink list |
Article Content shows the preview of the contents of the article (you can see how the remark added during article writing in the Articles module of StoryEditor is displayed).
ID | identification number of the article |
Title | working title of the article |
DTP Message | comment for graphic editor |
Superscript Headline | superscript headline of the article |
Main Headline | main headline of the article |
Subtitle | subtitle of the article |
Text | text of the article |