Project Ads

Enables preview of all ads assigned to a certain edition and creating new ad for publishing in active edition.



When creating a new ad, you have to correctly fill all of fields.

Create New Ad


AD Group labels to which group ad belongs to (agency, home, free....)
Client type the name of client who submitted the ad, it will automatically be saved to database and be offered as one of default names at next entry
AD Name the name of the ad
Agency marketing agency which is representative of advertiser (also is saving to database)
Sales who is the the salesperson (salesperson is defined according to entry - see Admin - Users)
Disabled enables an ad not to be published, for any reason
P labels whether an ad is payed
G labels the agreed special position of ad
T labels ad as template, as place-holder ad that can be used for filling empty space on the pages - pages that are missing content
Template Expire on labels date when publishing of templates ad comes to end
Special code special codes at special numeration, internal
AD format format of ab ad you can select from the menu of already defined ads (see Settings Ad Formats)
Format settings

shows the format setting of an ad format you have chosen.

Here you can change the ad format if needed, but only in when option "Update X, Y?" check box is enabled.

Media preview selects the ad from the media database of ads or the local disk
Publishing Dates Management enables to define whether ad is intended for one-off publishing or multiple instances over the extended period of time
Add Single Date - after you have selected the date, you can then select the Section where to post the ad as well as an possible remark
Add Iteration - you can select days in a week (one or more), date of first posting, date of last posting or number of postings by days, section and remark


After all that is done you need to save the ad, the media preview window displays the ad in its original size, how it will be positioned inside the position intended for ad on the space, whether ad is in RGB or CMYK profile, what is it’s width, height and resolution. On the right there are control parameters that notify you if any of them does not comply (width, height, ad’s resolution)..