A-03 ADMIN Publication - Press status


Within ‘Press status’ menu you define the different stages of work (statuses) that the pages are currently in.
As seen from this example, pages that haven’t been worked on are labeled FRE (and have specific coloring), pages that are being worked on have the status WRK (this change occurs automatically once the document has been opened), pages that are ready RDY (ready for the editor to proof), AUT (authorized by the editor), PDF (created the PDF files for the press), FTP (sent to the press).



Statuses are adjusted to individual needs of users for easier work with SE editorial system, at the same time easy labels are helpful to all users to see different stages of work on certain pages.
Press statuses can be created by clicking to ‘New status’, or copied from an existing, previously defined publication.
Publish PDF column here you mark status that StoryLink will assign to page when you click Publish
PROOF column here you mark which status will be assigned to the page when sent to proof (Press / Output / To Proof)
PRESS column here we mark which status will be assigned to the page when sent to press (Press / Output / To Press). This means that if you check FTP status when in To Press menu, pages in status the PDF will show “To Press” button that you can click
ALERT marks the status that will turn off the warning for pages near last deadline (red background of pages)