Preview Type

Table with basic information is placed at the top of the page:

Publication publications name, ordinal number
Project name usually contains abbreviation of publication, ordinal number and date of publishing
ID identification number of the edition
Published whether the edition is sent to press or not
Issue publication number
M mutation version (short code)
Date on page the date that will be shown on the page (it is linked to tag date in Indesign)
Pages the number of pages (number of pages without defined Sections / number of pages in the first status / number of pages in the working status / number of pages in the last status / total number of pages in project)
Deadline deadline for sending to press (determined when creating editions)
Approved approval from the authorized person
Template shows whether the project is saved as a template
Download project pdf enables downloading of all PDF files for press in a single document; downloading compressed ZIP files with PDF files, as well as downloading ZIP file containing PDF files for web

At the top left corner of Press module there is a menu to select the way basic page will be displayed; within the menu there are different functions used depending on the usage of the module.

Within menu are 4 working models

  1. Table preview type
  2. Layout preview type
  3. Block preview type
  4. Press Forms preview type