
Reset filters - option that enables resetting of all filters turned on


Keyword Filter Filter that enables the search by keywords, the results will be shown in the main field.
Query type: AND OR and/or option when using more words. For example at searching for two words the AND option searches for photos with both words, while the OR option searches for photos with one or the other word, or both words
Expand keywords searches for terms similar to the keywords (declined words)
Exact search searches for the exact phrase
Search in field defines the search in the exactly specified field (e.g. author of the photo, caption....)
Order by field (only keyword search active) defines order of the photos according to  the options in a dropdown menu, for example by identification number of the photo (ID) or by the date of upload (Date)



Date Filter Enables search by date.
Upload Date Filter - filters by the date of uploading photo to the system
Photo Date Filter - filters by the date the photo was taken by the camera
From - starting date
To - ending date


Size/Orientation Filter Filter that enables the search of the photos by the size and orientation (the landscape or the portrait).
Image size greater than (MB) - defines search of the photos bigger than previously set values in megabytes
Image orientation - defines search according to the orientation:
All - all crops
Landscape - landscape
Portrait - portrait


Color Filter The filter enables search of the photos by the most prevalent color.



Publish Filter
Enables us to search for the photo, depending on whether it was published or not (this prevents multiple uses of the same photo). The Only project media option shows the photos that are being used in the active project (Press / Publication Project))
User Filter
Enables the search by user who uploaded the photos to the system.
Objectname Filter
Enables the search of the photos by the same group name. When you start typing the letters, the filter will start suggesting group names from the database.
Source Filter
Enables the search of the photo by source of the photo.
Format Filter
Enables the search of the photo by source of the photo.
Client Filter
Enables the search of the photo by the client name (ads).
Album Filter
Enables the search of the photo by the album
ID Filter
Enables the search of the photo by the identification number.


Filter presets

Defining the filter settings made by the user according to the personal needs. Shortcuts for the filters can be found in the colored squares at the start of the menu.