Article Main Elements


After basic information, you enter the elements of an article.



Superscript Title Superscript Title
Main Headline Main Headline
Subtitle Subtitle
Tekst Tekst

Below them there are additional elements that mark:

NaN % if an article is created by template it shows the percentage of character count according to target
Chars number of text characters
Words number of words
MSL number of lines
Target number of text characters if article is created from template, or number of characters if the article was already assigned the place-holder. Field will turn red if number of characters exceeds the defined number

Within the text editor there are several additional menus that enable you to work on the text.


(1) Maximize opens the editor in a big window
(2) Source shows the text in HTML
(3) Print opens the menu for printing text
(4) Cut cuts the selected part of text
(5) Copy copies the selected part of text
(6) Paste pastes the copied text to where the cursor is placed
(7) Paste as plain text

pastes text as plain text (clears codes the text may contain and that could cause problems in Layout) - opens new window in which you can insert selected text using simple commands Ctrl C and Ctrl V

(8) Paste from Word same as in option 7, only here you use it when pasting/ transferring texts from Word
(9) Undo returns one step back
(10) Redo moves one step ahead
(11) Find finds a certain word or phrase in the text
(12) Replace replaces certain words or phrases in text
(13) To lowercase switches to lowercase
(14) To uppercase switches to UPPERCASE
(15) Convert to cyrillic converts selected text to cyrillic
(16) Convert to latin converts selected text to latin
(17) Spell as you type checks dictionary during typing
(18) Insert special character

inserts special characters - list of special characters opens in new window

(19) Bold switches selected text to bold
(20) Italic switches selected text to italic
(21) Underline underlines selected text
(22) Subscript subscript
(23) Superscript exponent
(24) Remove format removes all formatting from a text
(25) Styles opens styles menu
(26) Insert media Inserting media tag for web

 At the end of the text there are menus for adding infoboxes, (frames, leads, quotations...) and photos.