Admin Media

 Media Processor - enables preview of the photos that are in the works by the Media processor.

ID identification number assigned to the photo by Media Processor
MID addition to the identification number given at setting the photo to the page (link)
ArtID addition to the identification number given when the photo is added to the article
CompID addition to the identification number given when the photo is added to the article
Publish date publishing date
Frame Size size of the photo in the InDesign
Preview preview of the photo
Sent INFO information on who and when sent the photo to the processing
Remark remark to the graphic designer (for instance, this needs to be cropped)
Path the label whether photo has a path
Processed INFO information on who and when processed the photo
Return Format the photo’s format after processing
Get INFO when was the photo linked to the page after being processed
Active User name of the user currently processing the photo
Delete deleting the photo from the list

Expand Keywords - expanded meaning of the keywords when the Expand Keywords filter in search engine is turned on (this is primarily used for languages in which nouns go through declination)

Search index is used for the administration of word indexing. Select the first starting letter of the index (Choose index) to show all the words starting with that letter.

 No ordinal number of the index
 wordID identification number of the word 
 WORD the word
 Counts the number of articles using that word 
 Blacklist bans the later indexing of the word in the new photos
 Delete deleting the index from the database
 Delete & Blacklist deleting the index and disabling further indexing 


Missing files is search of the photo that is recorded to the database but the file is missing.

Id identification number of the photo
Original filename path and the name of the document
LO whether photo has a small preview (low thumbnail)
MI whether photo has a medium preview
ORIG whether there is the original of the photo
Article media identification number of the article linked to the photo / identification number of the photo
Ad media identification number of the ad connected to the photo / identification number of the photo
Action deleting the photo from the system


Multiple uploads is preview of the photos that carry the same name that have been uploaded to system multiple times.

Count number of the photos that carry the same name
Filename name of the photo
Article/Media identification number of the article connected to the photo / identification number of the photo connected to the article
Ad/Media identification number of the ad connected to the photo / identification number of the photo connected to the ad
Media ID identification number of the photo (if the number is colored orange, photo is connected to the article, and if the number is colored white the photo is not connected to the article and can be deleted if you want to)
Original file name original name of the photo also with path to folder on the server and preview of the photo
Action deleting the photos that have not been used (the white number)


Media / Article - shows the articles with an assigned photo that no longer exists.

ID identification number of the photo
Article ID identification number of the article
Title / Object name the working title of the article
Article Status the status of the article on the page
Media ID identification number of the photo
Media status status of the photo on the page
Date folder date folder that contains the photo
Filename name of the file
Existing files
with same filename
existing files with the same name
Action deleting the photo from the article


Media / Ad - shows ads with assigned photo that no longer exists
Delete Selected - deleting of the selected photos  from the list (filtered photos)