Ad Formats

Use this menu to define formats of the ads and basic positions within page.


Dimensions - ads dimensions
Full Page full page dimension
Inside Margins dimensions of the typeface within margins
Top offset the distance from the upper margin
Column width ads width in columns
Left offset the distance from left margin in columns
Ad Area ad space in square centimeters
Ad Coordinates - coordinates of ads
x1: 10 after specifying formats of margins at defining pages - 10 millimeters, ad is automatically positioned within margins
y1: 10 after specifying formats of margins at defining pages - 10 millimeters, ad is automatically positioned within margins
x2: 193 defines margins coordinate plus width of ad
y2: 110 defines margins coordinate plus width of ad
Width: 183 width of the ad alone
Height:100 height of the ad alone
Format settings
Page Layout choice of defined pages format
Format Name name of ads format (eg. 1/4 of page landscape)
Top offset (mm): 0.00 the distance from the upper margin
Height (mm): 100 height
Column width (no.): 2 number of columns occupied by ad
Left offset (no.): 0 the distance from the left margin in columns
Top label ads label that is displayed on preview
Ad area: 183 cm2 ads surface
Price: 0.00 price
Fixed dimension disables changing ads format on the page
Disabled deactivation of format when entering ad to system
Default if format is most often used
Remark remark


After saving data this ad shows on the list of ads.