Article Semaphore Config

Enables the preview of the number of texts in publications and how many pages have been layouted in the selected publication. This is very useful for proofreaders who are simultaneously working on more publications and editions, as well for the editors who can track how many pages are ready for the press. After activation, semaphore appears at the top left side of the Articles module.

Show Article Semaphore defines whether the ‘semaphore’ will be visible or not
Article Status - statuses of the articles
Attach NEW Publication attach new publication to the ‘semaphore’
Publication publication
Article Status status of the article (e.g. show only the articles in the proofreading status)
Delete cancel the selection
Press Status - statuses of the pages
Attach NEW Publication attach new publication to the ‘semaphore’
Publication publication
Press Status status of the page (e.g. show only the pages sent to the press)
Delete cancel the selection