

Use this menu to create the types for exporting texts from the StoryEditor to the web portal.
ID identification number
Name name of the type
Char short name (symbol)
Order order of the types within the groups
Back Color background color of the symbol
Front Color text color of the symbol
Order Date sorting the texts by selected date (modification_datetime - date of last text modification, c_date - date of creating the text)
Order Type type of sorting the texts by selected date - DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending)
HTML Group defining the appearance of the group in HTML
HTML Article defining the appearance of the group in HTML. Use tags listed under the list:
{Articles} - tag for the article
{articleSUP} - supertitle of the text
{articleHEAD} - headline of the text
{articleSUB} - subtitle of the text
{articleTEXT} - text of the article
{articleAUTH} - author of the text
Single indicates whether the articles are published on the web as singles or in one text. (YES or NO)
Save saving
Delete deleting