Creating new ad
Location | define the location of the ad through Settings / Location |
Category | define the category of the ad through Settings / Category |
Format | define the format of the ad through Settings / Format |
Title | title of the ad shown on the list |
Display | field for entering additional information on the ad |
AD CONTENT | content of the ad with the counter of the text characters (Character counter) |
Contact INFO | information on the contact |
Special Code | special code of the ad |
Note | note |
Status | for easier search of the ads and easier creating the statistics on published ads use the statuses. On the left you have the Print label (ad marked for the printed edition), WEB (ad marked for the web edition), IMAGE (ad marked as the image ad), NON STOP (ad marked for continuous publishing), DISABLED (ad will not be published until the option is turned off). At the right side there is a group of ads previously defined through Settings / Group |
Links |
link that redirects/ refers the reader to another web address, Facebook link, Twitter... This option is connected to the web portal where the ad is published Link - field to type in web address of the link Link Type - selecting the type of the link previously defined through Settings / Link Type Target - whether link opens in the new window or not |
Contact INFO | information on the contact who delivered the ad |
Name | name and last name of the contact |
VAT | personal identification number of the contact |
Address | personal identification number of the contact |
ZIP | postal number |
City | city |
Country | country |
Phone | phone number |
GSM 1 | mobile phone number 1 |
GSM 2 | mobile phone number 2 |
email of the contact | |
WWW | web address of the contact |
Copy info | enables you to copy all of the fields with one click |
Paste info | enables you to paste all of the contact fields after copying |
Publishing Dates Management |
define publishing date of the event for the web and printed edition Single date - define only one post / publishing |
Media | |
Get from Cart No. | inserting the photo from the cart (Get from cart) or directly to the ad (Browse). When publishing on the web portal, under the photo there is an option for highlighting (checkmark Featured) that makes the photo leading (cover) if the ad contains more than one image |