Layout preview type

This type of preview is suitable for the graphic designers and the editors

You can easily see: page number (and additional page number - in orange color), page status (free, open, pdf, ftp...), section, subject, ads added to page, whether template is on the page, whether texts are assigned to page and what their status is; you can delete elements from the page through page manager, enter themes visible as a page content in Layout preview, and download the page PDF. 

Clicking the text icon opens the new window with text preview. There you can see the time of status change, who changed status, description, who entered the text and in which status, active username if anyone is editing text, also it’s possible to download PDF page by clicking the PDF icon. Pen icon opens text in Article module to edit, a star icon will set this article as previewed in Articles module, with arrow icon you can download the text in zip. Preview of the photos attached to the article is on the right side with basic information about photos (credit, caption...) and icons for opening photo in bigger preview, download and setting photo as active in Media module.

Clicking on pages opens an additional window with spreads for bigger page preview.

Page manager shows which template is used on the page, which articles are created from the template or added on the page and what is the status of the articles (free, placed, linked, published; in writing, editing, proofreading...). You can change article statuses through page manager, or remove template ID from the page, or replace .indd file with a blank template .indd file. It is possible to change all articles statuses to free or unlink all articles at once with or without deleting it from the database.

Clicking on page status opens a new window, where you can change the page status. (if the user has permissions).
Clicking Edit Subject on page icon opens Subject Editor window for entering theme on the page for easier organizing themes on pages or to define the deadline for press delivery. Option Spread this theme copies the content from to the selected page.
Click Get plain text content of Page icon opens the additional window with plain text versions of all texts assigned to page.
Click the PDF icon to open page in new window in PDF format that can be saved to the computer.
Colored line above the page indicates that pages in the same color are merged to single document (Multiple page).
First icon on the left (and right) side of page creates new article, second opend recomopse ads modul. When graphic designer opens pages in StoryLink, every page will show an icon with padlock, and placing the cursor above the icon will show the name of the user who has InDesign page open. Also, page has background color that shows its working status (red background).
Yellow triangle indicates that the ad has a defined position on the page, but that the ad has no document (jpg, PDF, EPS, TIFF ...) and can not be displayed.
Refresh button indicates ads recomposition on that page.

The green dot indicates that the graphic operator has marked in the StoryLink, images on the page as processed.