B-01 Users, Groups, Roles - Users
Use this menu to create new users, assign basic permissions or modify the information and permissions to existing users.
*Username - choose the first name, both first and last names or email address - depending on the size of the staff. Please note that the system does not allow multiple users with the same username. | |
Password - can be automatically generated and sent by e-mail, user can change it later by himself. Size and structure of passwords are defined in the system to protect user accounts. By moving cursor over icon “i” (info), it will be shown what you must (Y) or don’t have (N) to use in your password. | |
Minimum length: | 6 - minimal length is 6 text characters |
Use uppercase letters: | Y - required uppercase letters |
Use lowercase letters: | Y - required lowercase letters |
Use digits: | Y - required digits |
Use symbols (!@#$%&*()/-+_?): | N - don’t use symbols |
DA: | Marijana22 |
NE: | ANA&% |
Active Directory - If editorial staff is using Active Directory for managing user data, StoryEditor can Active Directory data for logging into the system. |
Real Name | Name and last name |
First Name | Name |
Last Name | Last name |
Initials | initials |
temporarily suspend the permissions without deleting of the user | |
Is writer? | is user a journalist |
Is sales? | is user from sales |
*User group | assign the user to groups (journalist, editor, graphic designer, proofreader…) |
*Desk | assign the user to the publication where he or she primarily works (e.g. TV supplement) |
Section | assign the user to the section where he or she primarily works (e.g. Crime section) |
Personnel ID | links the user to the personnel department with an assigned ID |
Media credit | photographers agency (e.g. Reuters or AP) |
Spelling | defines the dictionary to be used for spell-checking of texts in the Articles module |
App. Language | defines the application’s language, per user |
Price factor (%) | the value defining the worth of articles by a specific journalist. |
Description | enter user remarks |
First page | defines which module will open when the user logs into system (login, ads, press...) |
Only self (Articles) | defines whether the user can see only their own articles or can also see articles of other users inside section |
Only self (Media) | defines whether the user can see only their own photos or can also see photos of other users inside section |
View Low media | defines whether the user can see low-resolution photos |
View Medium media | defines whether the user can see medium-resolution photos |
View High media | defines whether the user can see high-resolution photos |
View Original media | defines whether the user can see the original photos |
View Watermark | defines whether user can see the watermark over the photos |
SE Editor Type | defines the version of Editor that the user is using (Default - basic editor for articles for printed edition, WEB - editor for web articles, Full - editor for writing texts both for printed edition and web, none - no text editor) |
SL Type | defines which programme will automatically open when starting StoryLink (Indesign, Photoshop or InCopy) |
SL Check | defines whether user enters directly to programmes or new pop-up window containing menu with list of programmes will appear |
Photo (jpg) | user can set their own photo in the system and add additional info. Phone - landline Mobile - mobile phone VPN - home phone number Address - address City - city ZIP - postal code |
*red fields marked with asterisks are required |
After entering all data must be saved. After this additional menus will appear. |
Delete user | deleting the user from the database |
Remove photo | remove the photo |
Generate&email new password | automatic generation and sending of the new password to the e-mail address provided at the registration. |
‘Edit permissions’ menu gives user the permissions for publications, press statuses, sections as well as media credit. Path to this panel is through main menu in section Admin Users, Groups, Roles / User Permissions. |