Left side menu

Save Article & Exit - saving the articles and exiting from them (returns to starting articles menu)
Save Article - only saving articles (without exiting) - option to use when writing time consuming article
Back to list WITHOUT SAVE! - going back to list of articles without saving the article
Content for PRINT / Content for WEB - option to select whether you write article primarily for print or WEB
Object name (Title) - group title of articles (e.g. assign Object name to the article if it belongs to some special occasion, so all texts from that group will be found at one place regardless of the edition, section or name of the author)
Article Actions & Scripts - enables replacing content of article but not additional elements  (infoboxes, photos...)

Replace Content of Active Article with source Article - replacing content of the active article with another article. To do this, place the text you want to insert to the preview of the list of articles, and open article to which you want to insert content, plus the option to immediately delete the original article

Replace Content of Active Article with source Article (and Delete source Article) - replacing content of the active article with another article. To do this, place the text you want to insert to the preview of the list of articles, and open article to which you want to insert content, plus the option to immediately delete the original article