Header INFO

(contains basic article information)

Title working title of article (e.g. Interview Horvat)
Section the section to which the article belongs (e.g. culture)
City city
Author the name of the author is automatically generated and is linked to the user, type of display and all elements are defined within admin panel (Admin / Admin Publication / Publications)
Publish date displays the scheduled time of publishing (Publication general data configuration - New publish date)
Finished labels whether an article is finished
Finished for WEB labels whether text is ready for publishing/posting on Web
TOC (Table of content) for needs of creating content in publication
AUTHOR is it author’s article
AD labels whether this is promotional article
WEB labels whether this is web article
Special labels whether this is special article
Article class defines class of the article - interview, news, coverage…
Put on page assigns the article page (if edition and section are still not defined)
Position article’s position on the page
Personal: N Y defines whether article is visible only to author, is the article private (note- as soon article is assigned to page, section and editon it can no longer be private)
My Folder: N Y article is joined to personal folder so you can have an overview of all of the articles at the same place
Confirm (First name,
Last name)
confirm the author (in some cases the creator of the article is not its author)
Send article to status - defines status of the article (e.g. input while writing, when finished the journalist changes the status to Editing which means that article is done and ready for editing, after editing the editor changes the status to proof, proofreader to Layout...). Statuses are adapted to each editorial staff and are defined through Admin panel (Admin / Admin Articles / Article Status Config). When changing the status the new field for typing remarks will open. That remark is also visible in the list of articles as the exclamation mark icon
Message message from the editor to the graphic designer for easier communication (e.g. to graphic designer - highlight the word xxx in the headline)
Issue when finished you assign the article to an edition (e.g. monday 20th of November)...
Page as well as to a section (e.g. culture, page 25)