Right side menu

  Save Article & Exit - saving the article and exiting from it (returns us to starting articles menu - list of articles)
  Save Article - only saving articles (without exiting) - option to use when writing time consuming article
  Meta Data
  Contributors - authors and contributors that participated in creating an article (option useful at building statistics)

Article Send - sending articles to another publication (opens in an additional window)


AutoSave Full - enables you to reach the article that was not automatically saved in the system (do not rely solely on this option although it exists, save the text every now and then during work)

  Article History - enables you to reach the previous versions of article (exclusively those versions saved by the user and not the system). With every click on “Save article and exit” newer version of article is saved
  Delete Article - deleting articles
  Created by - shows the name of the person who created an article, date and time, photo (if the person have a photo in profile), mobile phone, VPN number, or you can send an e-mail to the author
  Contributors - displays a list of the authors
  Page info - If an article is created by the template, connected or placed on the page preview will be visible here