Classified list
List of all classifieds entered into the system.
Above the list there are various filters for searching the classifieds, as well as option for adding the new ad. | |
Create new | creating the new ad |
Search | searching ads by the keyword |
Single date | searching ads by the keyword |
Date from | preview the ads in specified timeframe (from - to) |
filtering the ads created for the printed edition | |
web | filtering the ads created for the web edition |
Image | filtering the ads containing the image |
Nonstop | filtering the ads marked for publishing on a daily basis |
List of the classifieds: | |
ID | identification number of the ad |
Location | location of the ad |
City | city of the ad |
Category | category of the ad |
Format | format of the ad |
Classified | opening text of the ad, name, VAT number and address of the advertiser |
whether the ad is marked for printed edition | |
Web | whether the ad is marked for web edition |
Image | whether the ad is marked as image |
Nonstop | whether the ad is marked for continuous publishing |
Groups | groups that are assigned to the ad |
Media | whether ad contains an image |
Actions: | |
Edit Classified | opening and editing of the ad |
Delete Classified | deleting the ad |
Export Classified | exporting the ads and their photos to a compressed file and saving it to the local computer |
Disable Classified | deleting next publishing date without deleting the ad from the database |
Publish Calssified | publishing ads for next issue |
Total number of all filtered classifieds is listed below the list (TOTAL ADS). | |
Export List to XML | action for exporting the list of classifieds to the XML file |
Export List for Layout | exporting the list of classifieds for the purpose of layouting on the page |
Export All Obituaries to XML | exporting all of the obituaries for the selected date of publishing (Single date filter) |