Classified list

List of all classifieds entered into the system.

Above the list there are various filters for searching the classifieds, as well as option for adding the new ad.
Create new creating the new ad
Search searching ads by the keyword
Single date searching ads by the keyword
Date from preview the ads in specified timeframe (from - to)
Print filtering the ads created for the printed edition
web filtering the ads created for the web edition
Image filtering the ads containing the image
Nonstop filtering the ads marked for publishing on a daily basis
List of the classifieds:
ID identification number of the ad
Location location of the ad
City city of the ad
Category category of the ad
Format format of the ad
Classified opening text of the ad, name, VAT number and address of the advertiser
Print whether the ad is marked for printed edition
Web whether the ad is marked for web edition
Image whether the ad is marked as image
Nonstop whether the ad is marked for continuous publishing
Groups groups that are assigned to the ad
Media whether ad contains an image
Edit Classified opening and editing of the ad
Delete Classified deleting the ad
Export Classified exporting the ads and their photos to a compressed file and saving it to the local computer
Disable Classified deleting next publishing date without deleting the ad from the database
Publish Calssified publishing ads for next issue
Total number of all filtered classifieds is listed below the list (TOTAL ADS).
Export List to XML action for exporting the list of classifieds to the XML file
Export List for Layout exporting the list of classifieds for the purpose of layouting on the page
Export All Obituaries to XML exporting all of the obituaries for the selected date of publishing (Single date filter)