

Embendings enables inserting of the additional elements inside the web text (photos from the text, Infoboxes, youtube, vimeo... ). This option is administrated in WWW module where it is defined how the different tags within StoryEditor will be shown on the web in HTML
ID identification number of the embed
Name name of the embed
Type selection of the tab for playing embed when in the article
Code In the Code field define the display of the tag within the text in StoryEditor
HTML define what the HTML code will look like on the web after sending the text to the web. Use tags listed under the list.
{mID} - identification number of the photo
{ibID} - identification number of the Infobox
{VALUE1} - value for the embedding 1
{VALUE2} - value for the embedding 2
{mediaFile} - name of the photo
{mediaCaption} - caption under the photo
{mediaCredit} - author of the photo
{mediaTitle} - title of the photo
{infoboxTitle} - title of the Infobox
{infoboxText} - text of the Infobox
Order sorting the embeds in the list