All XML elements exported from StoryEditor

- ArticleList version="2.0" - XML version

- Code - article ID (identification number)

- SentBy - First/Last name of the user who sent the article (Jane Doe)

- SentByUsername  - Username of the user who sent the article (Jane)

- SentByID - User ID

- SentByCMSID - CMS User ID

- CreatedID - User ID

- CreatedCMSID - CMS User ID

- CreatedUsername - Username of the user who created the article (John Doe)

- ClassID - Class ID data (identification number of the article class - e.g. Interwiev)

- ClassType - Name of the class - (e.g. Interview)

- TypeAuthor - Mark if article is original

- TypeAd - Mark for a PR article

- Publication - Name of the publication (e.g. MAGAZIN)

- PublicationCode - Publication short code (e.g. MAG)

- Issue - Issue number

- Mutation - Mutation code

- Pages/Page - Page number

- Status - Article status (Free, Placed on the page, Linked on the page, Published)

- Message - Message (for the graphic deparment)

- Section - Section name

- SectionID - Section ID

- cmsSectionID - CMS section ID

- articleOrder  - Article order for group articles

- Title - Article working title

- City - City

- Object_name - Object name

- Creation_date - Article creation date

- Modification_date - Article modification date

- Publish_date - Article publish date

- Publish_date_end - End of the article publish date

- Event_date - Event date (for calendars with the events)

- Event_date_end - End of the event date

- Author - Article author

- Superscript_headline - Article superscript headline

- Main_headline - Article main headline

- Subtitle - Article subtitle

- Teaser - Article teaser

- IntroText - Article WEB intro text

- Text - Article WEB tekxt

- WEB_Superscript_headline - Article WEB superscript headline

- WEB_Main_headline - Article WEB main headline

- WEB_Subtitle - Article WEB subtitle

- WEB_Text - Article WEB text

- WEB_HTML_Text - Article WEB HTML text

- CrossLink - Cross link defined in SE

- InfoboxList - List of all infoboxes

- Infobox - Infobox data

- InfoID - InfoBox identification number

- InfoOrder - InfoBox order

- InfoStatus - InfoBox status (Free, Placed on the page, Linked on the page, Published)

- UseForWEB - Is InfoBox ordered for WEB publishing

- InfoHeadline - InfoBox headline

- InfoText - InfoBox text

- WEB_InfoHeadline - WEB InfoBox headline

- WEB_InfoText - WEB InfoBox text

- InfoClassID - infobox type (lead, quote, numbers...)

- MediaList - List of all media

- Media - Media data

- MediaID - Media identification number

- Feature - Is article featured

- UseForWEB - Use media in web article

- focusX (-0.61) - Focus point shtift from x axis

- focusY (-0.52) - Focus point shtift from y axis

- percentageX (20) - Focus point shtift from x axis in percentage

- percentageY (76) - Focus point shtift from x axis in percentage

- MediaStatus - Is media Free/Placed/Linked on the page

- MediaFilename - Media name

- MediaCredit - Media credit

- MediaTitle - Media title

- MediaCaption - Media caption

- WEB_MediaCredit - WEB media credit

- WEB_MediaTitle - WEB media title

- WEB_MediaCaption - WEB media caption

- ContributorList - List of all contributing authors

- WebTagsList - List of all selected web tags

- AlternateHeadingList - For articles with several headlines

- RelatedList - Related articles list

- FlagList - List of all selected flags

- TagsTranslationList - Conversion of the generated HTML (web_text fields) - conversion of the tags e.g. H3 to 'br' and 'br' to 'space'...

- EmbedsList - List of embeded elements