C-01 Articles - Articles Status Configuration

Use this menu to define statuses of articles depending on workflow, so users (especially editors and graphic designers) can easily track articles through all work stages (e.g. Input - article is still in the works, Editing - article is ready for editor to view, Proofreading - ready for proofreading, Ready - article is ready for layouting...). depending on the color of an article, a graphic designer in StoryLink will know if it is ready for layouting).
Statuses are also labeled with specific colouring that help working with the article (for instance, a graphic designer can, inside StoryLink interface, tell by the colour of the article when it’s ready for the layouting).

Statuses can be copied, as well as majority of settings in StoryEditor, from existing issues or you can create new ones. They are adjusted to every client and his former workflow.