Create New Job


Click the ‘Create New Job’ icon to open page with elements to fill in when creating the new task.
JOB DATA (ORDER ili NOTE) sort or actually type of task, whether is it a task or just a note
*JOB name (ID: 5) name of the event for which you write the task
*Start date beginning of the event
*Deadline time of deadline when all the materials must be delivered
*ORDER the type of the ordered material
TEXT - text
PHOTO - photo
VIDEO - video
SPECIAL - marks that the task is special
*Place the venue
*City city where the event is happening
Address address of the event
Client client
Contact INFO and Notes contact person at the event and notes
NEWS DATA data for the text
NEWS Desk publication the text is for
Section name section the text if for
NEWS Reporter selecting the reporter who goes on the task
Contacts reporter’s contact data
Remark remark
Change NEWS status changing the status of the task
FOTO DATA data for the photos
FOTO Desk publication the photo is for
FOTO Reporter photojournalist who goes on the task
Contacts photojournalist’s contact data
Remark remark
Change PHOTO status change the status of the task