Right side menu

Save Article & Exit - saving articles and exiting from them (returns us back to starting/ articles menu)
Save Article - only saving articles (without exiting) - option to use when writing time consuming article
Send To WEB - sending article to WEB
Meta Data
Contributors - authors and contributors who participated in creating article (option useful at building statistics)
Embeddings - enables inserting the additional elements inside the text (photos from text, Infoboxes, youtube, vimeo... ). This option is tightly related to WWW module that serves as administration where you define how different tags within StoryEditor will be shown on the web in HTML (www / Settings / Embeds)

From this example you can see two types of embed that will be shown inside Media embeds tab (Type column). Use Code field to define what the tag will look like in the text in StoryEditor, use HTML field to define what the HTML code will look after sending text to web.
Within the text use Embeddings as follows:
Media embeds - select type of embed for photo (in our case Media or Media-full) and then select photo for embedding (photos linked to the article in Media list). Clicking on the plus icon ads tag within the text that is defined in WWW module

Infobox embeds - after selecting the type of embed for infoboxes, from the right menu Select Infobox from list you want to join to the article

Simple embeds - use this tab for embedding different plugins within the text used in CMS of web portal. Use www module to define how it works

Widgets - use this for embedding widgets within the article, for example List of currencies or Web pools

Flags - any command defined in administration (Admin / Admin Publication / Flags) that will be executed by the script on web portal. This can be used for different kinds of commands such as positioning, publishing or unpublishing, styling the articles...

WEB Tags - a window where you enter the web tags for the articles. The database records entered tags and lists them as registered used tags

Related articles - use this option to select the related (similar) articles. Here you can find all automatically recommended articles in the database 

Article Send - sending the article to another publication (opens in new window)

AutoSave data - enables access to the article automatically saved to a database (do not rely solely on this option although it exists, save the text every now and then during work)
As seen from this example, after the headline Lines of Text there is a backup of all previous versions of the text. That is why you need to copy text from the first Lines of Text to next Lines of Text.
With every saving of the text, data that was previously automatically saved (Autosave data) is deleted and saved again.

Article History - enables access to the previous versions of text (every version is saved when clicking Save article and Exit)
Delete Article - deleting the article