Use this option to define wanted formats of the obituaries. The way of defining is very similar to working with ads (Ads module).
Dimensions | use this option to define wanted formats of the obituaries. The way of defining is very similar to working with ads (Ads module) |
Full Page | page format |
Inside Margins | inside margins on the page |
Top offset | upper interspace between obituary and upper margin |
Column width | the width of the obituary in the columns |
Left offset | interspace at the left side of the obituary to the margin (in the columns) |
Ad Area | area of the obituary |
Ad Coordinates | x1: 10 (when defining the pages the format of the margin is specified to - 10 mm, obituary is automatically positioned within those margins) y1: 10 (when defining the pages the format of the margin is specified to - 10 mm, obituary is automatically positioned within those margins) x2: 193 - defines the margin coordinate plus width of the obituary y2: 110 - defines the margin coordinate plus width of the obituary |
Width | width of the obituary |
Height | height of the obituary |
Format Settings | defining the format |
Page Layout | layout of the page (page can contain 4 or 5 columns and thus can be different from the format of other pages in the newspaper) |
Format Name | name of the obituary format |
Top offset (mm) | shift from the upper margin |
Height (mm) | height of the obituary |
Column width (no.) | number of columns occupied by obituary |
Left offset (no.) | shift (number of columns) from the left margin - if you wrote 1, the obituary would be shifted to the right side for one column |
Top label | name of the obituary |
Obituary area | area of the obituary |
Price | price of the obituary |
Max. characters | defining the maximum number of text characters in the obituary |
Photo count | number of photos attached to the obituary |
Fixed dimensions | fixes the dimensions to disable the changing of the format later on (in the layout) |
Disabled | if you are not allowed to do the formatting in certain editions, this is where you’d disable it |
Default | defines if the format is default |
Remark | remark |