
Media by Author

Statistics of uploaded photos by the author of the photo. Statistics can be searched by the keywords, date, project or the user. Table can be exported to Excel, PDF or can be printed, it contains the ordinal number, name of the author, number of unpublished photos, number of published photos, total number of photos, what percentage was published and visual scale.


Media by Source

Statistics of uploaded phtotos by the source of upload.  Statistics can be searched by the keywords, date, project or the user. Table can be exported to Excel, PDF or can be printed, it contains the ordinal number, source, name of the author, number of unpublished photos, number of published photos, total number of photos, what percentage was published and visual scale


Media by Uploader

Statistics of uploaded photos by the user who uploaded the photo. Statistics can be searched by the keywords, date, project or the user. Table can be exported to Excel, PDF or can be printed, it contains the ordinal number, source, name of the author, number of unpublished photos, number of published photos, total number of photos, what percentage was published and visual scale.


Media Processor

Statistics of the photo processing. It is shown using the ordinal number, ID of the user, name of the user, publication, project, section, time of processing, format of the photo,  and the name of the photo.